Special Admission Status

Undergraduate Student-at-Large

A student who does not hold a bachelor’s degree and is not seeking a degree or certificate from Aurora University, but wishes to enroll in a few courses for credit, is defined as a student-at-large. Prerequisites must be satisfied for the courses in which a person wishes to enroll. Only 15 semester hours can be taken as an undergraduate student-at-large. The standard tuition rate applies, and financial aid is not available. A $100 nonrefundable tuition deposit is required with registration for students-at-large.

Post-Undergraduate Student

A student who holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution and wishes to enroll in undergraduate courses for credit, but is not seeking a second degree, may do so as a student-at-large. The standard tuition rate applies, and financial aid is not available. A $100 nonrefundable tuition deposit is required with registration for students-at-large.

Graduate Student-at-Large Status

A student who wishes to enroll in a graduate-level course, but is not seeking a degree, certificate, or credential may do so as a student-at-large. A maximum of six semester hours may be applied to master’s degree programs at Aurora University. Enrollment in specific courses by students-at-large may be restricted by prerequisites or other requirements of individual graduate programs. The standard tuition rate applies, and financial aid is not available. A $100 nonrefundable tuition deposit is required with registration for students-at-large.

Provisional Student

A student who has applied for regular admission but has been unable to supply all necessary documentation due to circumstances beyond the individual’s control may be provisionally admitted to the university at the discretion of the Vice President for Enrollment. If provisionally admitted, a student may register for classes for one term at his/her own risk (since the records of the educational background are incomplete). An application file must be complete and approved before a student is allowed to register for a second term. Provisionally admitted students must sign an advisement agreement recording their understanding that they are registering for coursework at their own risk with respect to applicability to specific programs or requirements at Aurora University. Provisionally admitted students will not be enrolled in any future term at Aurora University unless fully accepted. Financial aid is not available.

Conditional Admission

A student who has applied for regular admission but has an academic record that does not meet ordinary admission standards may be conditionally admitted to the university at the discretion of the Admission Review Committee (undergraduate) or Graduate Program Director (graduate). Academic progress will be regularly reviewed. Undergraduate students in this admission status are required to participate in other remedial coursework and programs designed to help ensure academic success. Traditional undergraduate students who are admitted conditionally are required to enroll in two first-year seminar courses designed to assist in the transition to college and provide additional support for their success.

Decision Procedures and Relation to University Governance

  1. Applicants for admission who meet the academic qualifications outlined above may be approved for admission by the Vice President for Enrollment, or a designate.
  2. Applicants for admission who do not meet the stated academic qualifications above will be reviewed and accepted or rejected by the Vice President for Enrollment, or designee, on the basis of guidelines issued by the Academic Standards Committee (undergraduate) or by the Graduate Program Director or designee on the basis of guidelines from the Graduate Affairs Committee (graduate).
  3. Applicants with an incomplete application for admission may be approved on a provisional basis only by the Vice President for Enrollment or designee (undergraduate) or by the Graduate Program Director or designee (graduate).

Note: Every aspect of the admission of students to Aurora University will be conducted in accordance with the intentions of the Academic Standards Committee and university policies and regulations relating to nondiscrimination, equal opportunity, and affirmative action.