AU Online

AU Online was established in 2012 to serve adult undergraduate and graduate students unable to attend courses at Aurora University campus locations. The staff of AU Online, located at the Aurora University campus, manages all aspects of the student learning experience, including recruitment, enrollment, marketing, advising, financial aid counseling, faculty recruitment and development, course and program development, and instructional and academic support.

Potential and current students interested in taking their courses fully online will find staff ready to answer questions about curriculum, the online learning experience, transfer credit, financial aid, developing a program plan for graduation, and academic support so that they may make an informed decision about selecting an online program of study. AU Online programs are developed in coordination with the faculty at each of the Aurora University colleges (College of Education and Social Work, College of Liberal Arts and Business, and College of Health and Sciences) and have the same learning outcomes and accreditation as those offered at Aurora University campus locations. Many faculty members teach courses in both modalities, on campus and online. All AU Online faculty members are selected based upon their academic credentials and work experience so that students learn from practitioners in their fields of study. Additionally, AU Online faculty members are required to complete training in online learning methods and practice prior to teaching and continue to receive ongoing development and support through AU Online. Aurora University participates in the NC-SARA state authorization reciprocity agreement consortium. As a participating member, AU Online may offer online programs to students who live in all 50 states. Those interested in learning more about AU Online may email or call 888-570-5070.