Additional Bachelor's Degrees

Additional Bachelor’s Degrees for Graduates of Other Schools and Alumni of Aurora University not Continuously Enrolled

Holders of baccalaureate degrees from other regionally accredited schools may earn an additional bachelor’s degree from Aurora University by completing the balance of the coursework required for the additional degree provided that at least 24 semester hours in each degree is not present in the other, meeting the university’s residence requirement (30 semester hours) including the last 24 semester hours in the degree, and by completing an approved major that contains a minimum of 18 semester hours not included in the major of the first degree. All General Education requirements are deemed to have been met by virtue of completion of the first degree.

Holders of a bachelor’s degree from Aurora University may earn an additional bachelor’s degree by completing the balance of the coursework required for the additional degree provided that at least 24 semester hours in each degree is not present in the other, completing the last 24 semester hours in the degree at Aurora University, and by completing an approved major that contains a minimum of 18 semester hours not included in the major of the first degree. All General Education requirements are deemed to have been met by virtue of completion of the first degree.

Holders of a bachelor’s degree from Aurora University may complete the courses required for an additional major within two years of the conferral of the latest undergraduate degree, by completing the balance of courses required for any approved major with the same general degree classification as the latest degree conferred (BA/BS), which contains a minimum of 18 semester hours not included in the required courses for the major of the latest conferred degree. A minimum of 18 hours required for the additional major must have been or be completed at AU. No credit by examination or competency credit may be applied toward the balance of required courses. Completion of the requirements of the additional major will be noted on the transcript. Financial aid may not be available for the completion of additional major requirements after an undergraduate degree is conferred.

In all cases, coursework from the student’s first degree or major may only be applied toward the new major or the major of the new degree upon approval of the major department or program faculty.